
word consumption.

i consumed a book today. i read about 12 pages last night to get started, and once i picked it up again this morning, i didn't want to put it down. so i didn't. i'm not entirely sure why i impulsively picked up the book yesterday afternoon, but i'm glad i did. i know it has something to do with wanting to see the movie that was based on the book, but i hadn't planned on getting it. i laughed out loud today at lunch while i sat by myself. in true glass cage of emotion style, i cried at my desk. i smiled at the thoughts & feelings words evoked. this, this was a good book. it being the first of a series, i took a 15 minute break and went out to buy the second one. tomorrow, i will have to work, as i haven't done much that resembles it today. but i have tonight. i will likely skip the reality show with the foul-mouthed chef that has somehow sucked me into it's viewership. i will likely make a rather simple dinner. and it's quite likely that i will thoroughly enjoy myself. because i seem to not be able to quench this thirst for more of the lives of four girls who share a pair of pants. that little gate in the front of your brain that tells you when you're full is out of order. it's not so unusual that i get in the reading mode... unable to get enough words and sentences and images. and when i find a new author that has the ability to get inside my mind and my heart, i will seek out all that i can until there is no more to be had and i must be satisfied with what i have received. until that point, though, i read with a hunger i wish i could muster in other areas of my life. the book? the sisterhood of the traveling pants. the author? ann brashares. enjoy.

posted by julie @ 4:16 PM


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