
there is a time.

almost six years ago, i bought a sweater for 25 cents. never would i have imagined it would become my favorite sweater and one of the only ones that i would still like after six years. last week, as i rested my elbows on my desk, i thought, why is my elbow so cold? well, friends. you may have guessed it. i wore that poor elbow out. it was so threadworn that it didn't even rip, it just sort of... separated. so i've been wearing a red sweatshirt that i don't love because it's too short while i look for a new sweater. last night, i found one. it's much more vibrant than the old and it has this pocket. i don't love the pocket. i've been told to let it go, but folks, it's an incredibly impractical pocket. it's on the sleeve. it's little. what on earth would i put in there? well, julia thought i should store a spoon in there. she stuck one in. i'm not sold on it. i still think i might remove it. if i wash it and then remove the pocket, i'll have a pocket square. so it has to go now or never. and i'm not sure if i want to spend a decade with a sleeve pocket.

i will miss this sweater. we've been through tears and laughter, cold nights and cool mornings. it's been a good six years. may the kind years be ahead and the memories sweet.

posted by julie @ 4:31 PM


At 2/21/2006 9:19 AM, Blogger gloria said...

lucy locket lost a pocket.
kitty fisher found it.
not a penny in the pocket.
just a ribbon round it.

sorry, had to get that out. :)

At 2/21/2006 9:22 PM, Blogger kimberly said...

I like the pocket! It's like a little patch of character.


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