

i have a problem. we all have a problem. i include you because this is so important to me that i think you should care, as well.

i have misplaced my jake armerding and emmylou harris red dirt girl cds. i have the cases, just no cds. i don't understand it, how could i lose just the cds??? these are fantastic cds and without them, my collection takes a downward turn from greatness. sniff. choke. be strong. we'll make it. we'll find them.

posted by julie @ 8:31 AM


At 5/31/2006 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh the humanity of it all!"

I care, I really do, but I'm afraid it's up to you to pull us all through this crisis.

At 5/31/2006 9:34 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

You can do it!! We are depending on you, and I have confidence in your CD finding abilities!


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