
other tired people #1.

me at the dmv yesterday: i need to get a new license, i lost mine.

guy behind the counter: okay. (pulls out form) i need to see your driver's license.

posted by julie @ 8:27 AM


At 9/07/2006 10:06 AM, Blogger Erin Bennett said...

priceless! :)

At 9/11/2006 10:28 PM, Blogger kimberly said...

freaking awesome.
since I am still taking graduate credits from kstate, I am still in their online system. their online system that requires you to change your password all the time with ridiculous rules (like nothing can even remotely resemble anything known).
"I don't know what my password is. How do I get this fixed?"
"If you don't know it you can come to the technology office in Hale Library."
"Um, I don't live in Manhattan."
"Our hours are 8am-4pm."
"I am a teacher two hours away. I cannot go to the office." (especially for this crap)
this went on for about twelve minutes, with no resolve.
you fill in the rest. good grief

At 9/16/2006 8:40 PM, Blogger gloria said...

me too. tired that is. :)


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