
to walk a mile.

shoes. i have a thing about shoes. at least when tragedy strikes. i remember so vividly, my neighbor's shoes sitting inside the door where he left them last, surrounded by the debris from his door and walls after his apartment was torn apart by a bomb squad. i dreamt of shoes after i watched a house burn. in the dream, all i really remember is that the house was okay, because, look... the shoes are fine. after bob's home was destroyed, it was his shoes that i could not take my eyes off. when he came home and took his shoes off, he had no idea that he would never put them on again. to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. what is that really like?

posted by julie @ 2:25 PM


At 8/24/2005 9:31 PM, Blogger gloria said...

yes indeed

At 8/27/2005 1:55 PM, Blogger Kevin Lundgren said...

I have a thing about shoes also. Shoes have to fit just right. There is no room for error here. If they are slightly too big or slightly too small you could walk funny or be ostracized by your friends and acquire nicknames like "Clodhoppper" or "Toejam".


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