
accidental grass trimmage.

i accidentally mowed my yard last night. someone told me that's impossible, but it isn't. because i did it.

when i got home from work, i went to get my garbage can from the street and noticed that my neighbors across the street were home. wanting so very badly to put up my mailbox, i took a deep breath and went to introduce myself and find out if i could have it in their yard. no problem there, but when i was walking back home, i noticed how utterly long the grass really was in the front yard. i decided to quickly mow the front section so that at least the neighbors wouldn't talk. so i took my skirted self to the garage to get the mower and trimmed the front. i decided to at least make one path in the backyard on the way to the garage to help myself out this weekend when i would have to finish. somehow that one path turned into two and then three and then the whole dang yard. i felt very amish. out there mowing in a skirt. although if i were amish, i wouldn't have a gas-fueled mower. perhaps more hudderite than amish. at any rate, i accidentally mowed my yard. i'm not sure why and i never intended to mow the whole thing. in fact, i kept telling myself that this was the last row.

it's like when you're presented with a new pint of edy's peanut butter cup ice cream and you say just one spoonful and it turns out to be the biggest spoonful known to man because now the cream's all gone.

posted by julie @ 10:46 AM


At 9/16/2005 10:19 AM, Blogger gloria said...

"and it turns out to be the biggest spoonful known to man because now the cream's all gone."

HA HA (snort) ha! ("mommy, what's so funny?" - gunnar)

or ben and jerry's 'chubby hubby' - mmmm, the sweet with the salty of the pretzel and pb. yum!

At 9/17/2005 7:42 AM, Blogger Erin Bennett said...

I absolutely love picturing you mowing the entire lawn while wearing a skirt. I would have loved to have been a neighbor watching out my window, wondering what in the world you were doing. :)


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