
quick! it's a hummer sale!

today, as i was driving west on 94, i noticed this sign next to the new hummer dealership: big sale.

what exactly is a big sale at a hummer dealership? and would it ever be enough to draw you in to buy one? because aside from being an incredibly impractical vehicle (which also happens to be sorely misused by most owners), they're expensive. it's shouldn't be a spontaneous decision. i mean, who drives down the road, sees a big sale sign at the hummer dealership and says to the person next to them, hey, look! a sale on hummers. should we stop? like they're canned peas and it's an afterthought. and can't you just hear the response from the other person?

oh, sure, why not? it is tuesday, after all. and we are out. way to find the bargains, honey!

posted by julie @ 7:02 PM


At 3/15/2006 5:16 PM, Blogger kimberly said...

oh I wish I lived up north! the hummers here aren't on sale.


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