
saturday night (11:22)

what happened? what happened on saturday night julie? what was it? ooohhh, you want to know what happened at 11:22 on saturday night? okay. i'll tell you.

creepy, nasty, vile rodent that had taken up residence in julie's previously germ-free kitchen DIED.

woo hoo! i am mouse free!!!! (well, as of sunday afternoon... i had to wait for someone to come and remove the mouse so that i could go into my kitchen again.)

it feels good.

posted by julie @ 9:34 AM


At 10/24/2005 9:57 AM, Blogger gloria said...

Ha ha ha, you had to wait for someone to come and remove the dead mouse - I love that.
I simply cannot bear dead things. I lived on a farm and butchering chickens was mostly fine - kinda fun to examine all of their internal parts. But running across an unexpected dead thing? Or knowing there is a dead thing in my kitchen? ooooo, makes me shiver! The kids were facinated this summer with the occasional dead animals they found outside. "Mom, there's a dead bird outside. Can we pick it up and put it in the garbage?" Bleck!

At 10/25/2005 2:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well... i've tried to post and let you know that yes, indeed, someone did read your entire blog. and yes, you still seem like a wonderful person even though you (apparently) can't handle rodents.

i am on the davidjay forum, but i think i hide. i don't feel like a real photographer so i hide. but my name on there is mandynoelle. and my homepage is (a little on the lame side right now): homepage.mac.com/mandynoelle.


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