
cindy's weather report.

The fall rains have come with much gusto, giving us lots of umbrella days. The sunrises have turned into amazing spectacles of blues and oranges and pinks. The morning dew has turned cold, with a smattering of mornings bringing light frost. The swamp grass has started to turn, the tips becoming brown long before the rest of the green gives in.

Fall flowers have come in abundance, my garden coming alive again with asters, mums and dahlias. I'm preparing the new beds for fall bulbs tonight and will divide the peonies sometime this week as well. Soon, the dahlias will need to be dug up and winterized, but for now, i am simply enjoying their beauty. The primroses & sweet williams are starting to show some wear & tear and will soon be gone.There is a mass of small white flowers in one of the back gardens that have started blooming, but as those are not beds i have reclaimed yet, i haven't figured out what they are.

The leaves are turning. The sumacs turned a deep crimson early on, and the maples are following suit with some great oranges and reds. The yellows are coming as well, but mostly we still have green. The tops have turned, but the rains have brought strong winds this year, so we lost a lot of color that we had.

It smells like fall. It feels like fall. I step outside and am inspired to cook with squash and make pumpkin bread and thick soups. I want to curl up in a sweater and a blanket, read a book and hold a warm mug of tea. I want to go to the orchard and pick apples, carve a pumpkin with my cousin, rake my leaves and listen to the wind. Ask me in the spring just to make sure, but I am certain that this, this is my favorite time of year.

posted by julie @ 2:52 PM


At 10/12/2005 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!! Now I'm really homesick! The temps here have "plummeted" below 90 and I actually wore a sweatshirt the other day! Leaves are falling, but the only color is brown.

Still, Autumn is my favorite season, as well.

At 10/14/2005 8:45 AM, Blogger gloria said...

Those pictures are stunning!


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