
with or with you.

i was a hostage on friday night. i don't actually know why, or who was holding me, other than that it was a man. i was locked in a room in a basement that loosely resembled the basement of the church i grew up in. the door had a small window, but it was all sound-proofed. there was a woman who walked around outside the door. i feel like she knew i was there, but i can't be sure. i remember arguing with this incredibly mean man and as a result, he threw the pictures i had been looking at across the room. i picked them up and put them back on the table and realized how scared i was. the fire he said he would start out in the main room, seemed to roar up. i had pictures out there... an important shoot. when i saw my mom out the tiny window, i beat on the window and called her name, ignoring his threats. she was talking to the woman and i pleaded with her to see me. when she finally did, she opened the door and put a gun in the man's face. imagine, my mother with a handgun. i whipped out an uncapped, white plastic, black-inked bic pen (because of course these are key defense tools) and we faced this man together. i told my mother to go, just go (i felt a bit too confident in my writing utensil). i just wanted her to be safe. she told me to go, she'd come after me. i said no, not without you. she said no, not without you. we both turned at ran out. there was a brief thought i had that told me to go get the pictures... they were irreplaceable. i ran out with my mom instead.

three things i realized from this dream... one, my mother is wiser than i am. two, i don't want this life without her by my side. and three, the people are more important than the pictures.

posted by julie @ 10:02 AM


At 11/02/2005 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me a little freaked out for a minute... I'm glad to hear it was only a dream.


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