
the meme.

okay... i don't normally do these, but i'm always open to new things. that's actually a lie. i'm not really open to new things. but it sounds good, right?

jen tagged me to do this... a meme. not sure what a meme is, but i'm going with it anyway. just because i like her! ;)

the apparent rules:
each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. people who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. you need to choose seven people to tag and list their names. don't forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. today, i'm wearing a blue shirt. two of them, in fact.

2. in junior high, my best friend was a girl named sara miller. i wish that i knew where she was now... and i don't think i'll ever find out.

3. i love to make my own bread. without a machine.

4. i wish i were in a place where i could smell the rain right now.

5. jane austen is my favorite author.

6. the dahlias were my favorite, but they're too time-intensive, so i had to let them die.

7. i love pom pomegranate peach passion white tea.

let's see... who's next?

patrick... he's been rather absent in blogworld as well.
johnny... because the man just isn't busy enough. ;)
erin... just because i like her!
steven... because i'm hoping he still reads this... !
julia... just trying to help her get back in the game as well.
kim... she's quite clever and certain to come up with good stuff.
and last but certainly not least... kristin. because she needs to start a blog.

posted by julie @ 10:33 AM


At 5/24/2007 11:12 AM, Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

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At 5/24/2007 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still here....
I'll have to decline the meme though. I just completed a similar one over on that other non-photo blog where most people don't actually know my name.
Glad to see you're back.

At 5/31/2007 8:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey, isn't it enough i have a facebook? baby steps, julie!

At 5/31/2007 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I got tagged, cool. I'm game.

At 6/07/2007 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang it - tagged! Why did I read your blog today?

At 7/18/2007 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! How did I not notice that you did this meme!???? My goodness, I have to visit here more often ;)
Sarah Miller... hmmm... ever try to join Classmates.com?
Thanks for doing the meme. It's pronounced me-me.. and I think because it's all about "me!"


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