
and it all goes to crap.

i am tired. very, very crawl-back-in-bed sort of tired. this weekend was supposed to be one of rest, relaxation and me time. i got that. it was wonderful. i spent some time with kathy and with my family, but most of it was all me. i needed that. i slept in, i ate simply, but well, i read, i watched movies, did laundry and the dishes, curled up in a blanket and worked on scarves (some lengthening for halle, a finish for jack and progress on mine) and on sunday, i didn't even unlock my doors to go outside. it was wonderful. i slept deep and soundly on friday night and saturday. i was so raring to go for this week. and then, it seems, i'm not meant to sleep well three nights in a row, so last night i did not. it was horrible. i tossed and turned, dreamt strange combinations and lay awake half the night. i dreamt of a mouse (quite likely due to my troubles this fall), of my brother and sister-in-law living in a different house and having me overnight so that they could meet my new boyfriend (who was there, but i never actually saw, only spoke of by name and talked about) and of my entire crapload of cousins and aunts and uncles just showing up for the occasion. 'certainly can't order take out chinese for all these people, we'll have to get pizza.'

man, i wanted that chinese.

posted by julie @ 11:46 AM


At 11/21/2005 2:16 PM, Blogger Erin Bennett said...

Well, of course they would want to meet your new boyfriend. After all, he IS a rock star. :)
Sorry about your crappy night sleep. I hate when that happens. It's the worst on Sunday night, knowing you have to get up for work the next day.
Hopefully there is an opportunity for a nap in your near future!


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