
five hundred dollars later.

i wanted to let you all know that though i've been away for a while, i didn't forget. in fact, i was still writing, just not posting. a lack of internet issue, really, but i wanted to keep you current. i'm backdating these so they match to the day i was thinking of them... nice to be able to do that. so what have i been doing? well, dear friends, let me tell you.

on my drive home from work wednesday, i kept hearing a sound, like my rear driver's side door was open. then, i caught a faint scent of burnt rubber. eventually, i pulled my car over, thinking i must have been driving on a really flat tire or something. all of my tires seemed sound, but that particular tire was caked with slush and ice. so i cleaned it out and went on my way, figuring that's what the noise was. that's not what it was. and the noise was still there.

thursday morning, i got myself out of bed early enough to get ready and go shovel my driveway. i went on my merry way, but the whole two blocks i drove, i heard that same sound, only louder. i just knew that something was not right. i pulled over in the parking lot of st timothy's and noticed that the slush and ice had accummulated again, after only two blocks. i cleaned it out and took my mitten off to do a little detail slush removal. lo and behold, i cut my finger... on the long metal wires sticking out of my tire. there seemed to be a bit of my tire missing. and it had disappearred quickly, as evidenced by the length of the wires. i decided that i was not going to work, so i cautiously drove the two blocks home, called my replacement and my sister-in-law. she promised to call me back once she got to work and had priced out some new tires for me. once she did, i had my grandpa follow me to the shop, just in case my tire blew out. i made it there fine, but my grandfather was glad that he had followed me... he was pretty worried about it after checking it out at my house. they put it up on the lift and i ran over to check it out. holy crap, i said. there was a solid one to one and a half inch swath missing from the entire circumference of my tire. one of the guys took a look at it and said, 'i'd give this tire another five miles.' scary.

turns out some disc thing on my strut had rusted through, causing the whole strut to fall and sit on my tire, scraping away the tread at a rapid rate. there was a delay in getting the new struts, so i had them check a few other things. like my brakes (new front pads) and my slight oil leak (new valve and something). i went home and waited the rest of the day out. the struts wouldn't be in until friday morning, so i really had nothing to do. it actually was really nice. i had to take two days vacation, and with the amount of money i spent, it's almost like i took a real vacation. only, i didn't go anywhere. and i took no pictures. so it wasn't like a vacation. but sort of. and, five hundred bucks later... she's almost like a new car.

and i'm quite disappointed that i missed sledding at work. but, the sled is still in my car, so i'm ready whenever i need to be. next week. next week we'll go sledding again.

posted by julie @ 2:24 PM


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