
turkey day.

thanksgiving was much of the same old, same old this year. it's an amazing same old, but it's still the same old. we had just about 40 for dinner, with five out of state & unable to make it and six elsewhere for dinner (two of which came later). josh spilled no milk this year, which for quite some time was a tradition, but nicholas did. nicholas didn't actually eat much. he ended up sitting across from me at table 5 and spent the whole meal looking at me. this dear little boy, my cousin anthony's son, has a little crush on me. this is him at the apple orchard this fall:
it's sweet. at least someone likes me.

it was wickedly cold & windy out last thursday. those of you braving mn with me know how that was. did that stop us from running around outside? no. of course it didn't. pish and posh. just a little wind, right? right. my confession is this: i didn't run around at all, i just stood on the front steps and held my camera. that's pretty typical. at the old house, i used to take a few runs down the hill with a sled, but now there's no hill and there was no snow. ashlin, my cousin josh's daughter, was walking around with a pinwheel, somehow got caught in the middle of the football game, got mildly bumped, toppled over and broke her pinwheel. we had crying and wailing and sniffling and five minutes later, she popped her head back out of the house, handed us the pinwheel and said, 'it's broke.' soon after, jaime and i joined her back inside. it was butt cold.

see those shoes up top? those are some of last year's shoes. we had three separate piles this year, so a picture wouldn't have been as impressive. can you imagine if we had did family pyramid?

grandma actually let me come over early and help. i was stunned, but excited. she never lets anyone help. what was great, other than being with her, was that it qualified me to get out of dish duty. with my anal needs to rinse thoroughly before i start the dishes, i don't do so well. years ago, we used to make the guys do them. then, when grandma and grandpa moved, it switched to the girls. now, it seems, the powers that be have decided it's back to the boys. they have a whole plan for the next few years. woohoo! no more dressing pieces in the water! blech.

all in all, it was a day worth having and a day most worthy of giving thanks.

posted by julie @ 10:22 AM


At 12/01/2005 10:26 AM, Blogger La redaccion said...

send me down a pair of those snickers...

(u look pretty good too....)




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