
poor judgement #14.

when i was younger, say about ten, i noticed a particularly odd looking gift for me under the christmas tree. when my brothers and i would sit by the tree, trying to guess what was in each package, i paid considerably more attention to this long, round tube. i had figured out that it was something rolled up, quite possibly of a thick paper, but i couldn't think of what it could be. i shook it and squished it gently, and held it in my hands to just look at it until i thought i would die. no one had any idea. all were baffled. none could venture a guess.

at the time, my two younger brothers were sharing the downstairs bedroom. one day, one fateful day, i took that present into that room with my youngest brother and attempted to carefully peel back the tape. oh, the angst of not knowing. i was so intent on the detailed work of cheating that i didn't notice my brother leave the room. i noticed, though, when my mom came into the room with ben in tow, just as i was about to reveal the treasure. sneaky little turkey. traitor.

my mom was incredibly upset. that puts it lightly. because she 'didn't raise children like this.' she did no yelling. no fits of angry motion. she told me she was incredibly disappointed (which is far worse than a good old-fashioned yell) and informed me that i would no longer be receiving that gift. she took the precious contraband from my hand and left the room. i fought back tears as i watched her leave. my little kid bottom lip quivered in sadness and guilt. i knew, i just knew, that i would never feel good again.

and the lesson was learned. i never looked again.

posted by julie @ 4:20 PM


At 12/22/2005 11:16 AM, Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

All fine and good.... I admire your mother's restraint and resolve.
What was the gift?!?!!

At 12/22/2005 11:28 AM, Blogger julie said...

to be honest, i don't remember. i think it may have been a poster. quite likely of kittens. i should ask if my mom remembers.

At 12/27/2005 11:44 AM, Blogger Nic said...

it's better off not knowing eh?

At 1/02/2006 9:01 PM, Blogger gloria said...

Dang! That's the part I hate about parenting! I have to admit to the yelling part. But it's when I don't yell and I see the pain and guilt and hurt well up in their faces... ouch!


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